Day of Friendship

The United Nations General Assembly created the International Day of Friendship, celebrated annually on July 30, as an opportunity to recognize the profound impact of friendships in fostering global peace, harmony, and joy. Friendships, both personal and international, act as bridges between cultures and communities, promoting unity across borders. The U.N. encourages governments, organizations, and communities to arrange events that celebrate the value of friendships. Many of these activities emphasize reconciliation, mutual understanding, and the comfort found in close relationships. If you’re thinking of marking the occasion with a meaningful gesture, explore our curated list of thoughtful gift ideas for your best friend!
About the holiday
Brief History
We live in a complex and often challenging world, marked by misunderstandings, mistreatment, mistrust, discrimination, and cultural tensions. Amidst all this, peace can sometimes feel like a distant priority. However, the United Nations continues to remind us that goodness and unity still exist. In 2011, the International Day of Friendship was introduced to not only foster personal connections but also to build bridges across cultures, nations, and ideologies.
Friendship goes beyond simple connections; it’s about creating bonds that transcend shared interests or characteristics. It's about fostering a global sense of unity and mutual respect, regardless of our differences. Be it physical appearance, political views, or musical tastes, these distinctions shouldn’t divide us. The UN emphasizes that relationships are far more meaningful than any differences, promoting kindness and inclusivity every July.
Celebrating friendship can be as simple as sending a note, meeting for coffee, attending a concert, or spending time together. These small acts remind us of the common ground we share, proving that we are more alike than we realize. Anything that diminishes hate and promotes unity is something worth spreading, as it’s a shared value we all possess deep down.
Before the UN’s official designation, World Friendship Day was first proposed in 1958 by the World Friendship Crusade, a global civil organization dedicated to nurturing a peaceful world through the power of friendship.
How It’s Celebrated
Celebrations for the International Day of Friendship vary widely, from personal gestures of appreciation to organized events promoting unity. People exchange messages, gifts, and spend time with friends to honor the relationships that matter most. Schools, organizations, and communities host activities that encourage understanding and collaboration. In many parts of the world, this day is used as an opportunity to promote cultural diversity, social harmony, and community-driven peace initiatives.
International Day of Friendship
Interesting Facts
- We live in a complex world, where misunderstandings, discrimination, and cultural divisions often overshadow peace. Despite this, the United Nations emphasizes that unity and kindness still exist. Established in 2011, the International Day of Friendship aims to strengthen personal bonds and foster connections across cultures, nations, and ideologies.
- Friendship goes beyond shared interests—it’s about building meaningful connections that embrace diversity and promote understanding. The UN encourages us to celebrate friendships every July as a way to bridge divides and spread kindness.
- Simple acts like a note, coffee meet-up, or spending time together remind us of our shared humanity. Every effort to reduce hate and promote unity brings us closer to peace.
- World Friendship Day was first proposed in 1958 by the World Friendship Crusade, an organization promoting peace through friendship.
Were born on 30 July
Happy International Day of Friendship! Today, we celebrate the ties that unite us, reminding ourselves of the power of friendship to bring peace, understanding, and joy. Reach out to your friends, old and new, and share in the warmth that comes from meaningful connections!