Crossword Puzzle Day

Did you realize that the first crossword puzzle was invented by Arthur Wynne and published on December 21, 1913, in the New York World newspaper? Wynne's puzzle was shaped like a diamond and did not contain any internal black squares. However, it was so well-received by readers that within a decade, crossword puzzles became a staple in almost all American newspapers. We all know someone who loves crosswords; some even subscribe to newspapers solely for the purpose of solving them. So, on December 21, let's celebrate National Crossword Puzzle Day in the best way we know how — find a puzzle you enjoy and start filling in those squares!
About the holiday
Brief history
The history of National Crossword Puzzle Day can be traced back to the early 20th century when the first crosswords began to appear in newspapers. They quickly gained popularity and became a beloved pastime for many. Over time, dedicated enthusiasts formed organizations and associations to promote and celebrate the game.
In 1999, a group of crossword puzzle lovers decided to establish a day dedicated to celebrating the game. They proposed to observe July 21st as National Crossword Puzzle Day. Their proposal was met with enthusiasm, and the day was officially recognized and celebrated ever since.
How it's celebrated
National Crossword Puzzle Day is celebrated in various ways. Crossword puzzle enthusiasts gather to participate in crossword-related events, competitions, and challenges. They also enjoy solving crosswords together or sharing their creations with others.
Schools and libraries often organize special activities on this day. They may hold crossword-solving workshops, organize crossword-themed book exhibitions, or even host crossword tournaments. This day is an opportunity to showcase the versatility and educational benefits of crosswords.
National Crossword Puzzle Day
Interesting facts
- Did you know that the first crossword puzzle appeared in a British newspaper in 1913? It was called a "word-cross" and quickly gained popularity.
- Crosswords are not just for entertainment; they are also used as a tool for language learning and vocabulary expansion.
- The world record for solving a crossword is held by Matthias Friedrich from Germany, who solved a 44x44 crossword in just 5 minutes and 55 seconds.
- Crosswords have been adapted for various platforms, including mobile devices and online games.
- There are crossword puzzles in different languages and even in special formats, such as tactile crosswords for people with visual impairments.
Were born on 21 December
On National Crossword Puzzle Day, let us celebrate the joy and mental exercise that crosswords provide. Let us enjoy solving crosswords, creating new puzzles, and sharing our creations with others. Let us also appreciate the versatility and educational benefits of this beloved pastime.