Building Homes for Heroes
Building Homes for Heroes
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Building Homes for Heroes


Building Homes for Heroes

Building Homes for Heroes



Building Homes for Heroes is determined and devoted to bringing renewed hope to U.S nation’s injured veterans. The organization builds or modifies homes, and gifts them, mortgage-free, to injured veterans and their families, while providing support services to enable them to build better and brighter lives and reach new height.


Building Homes for Heroes organization’s story began after the tragedy of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, when organization’s Founder, Andy Pujol, volunteered in the search and rescue side-by-side with U.S. heroic first responders. Witnessing the horrors around him, Pujol made a pledge that day to serve the country he loved, and to help the brave men and women who fought to defend our freedom in the aftermath of those attacks to present day.

Soon after, Building Homes for Heroes was born with the hope of gifting a single home to a single veteran. Thirteen years later, thanks to the help of tireless volunteers, supporters and generous corporations, the dream has grown to more than 255 homes gifted to U.S. nation’s injured veterans by the end of 2020, and nearly one home gifted every 11 days, on average.


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Alena Potapova

Development Director
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