Airforwarders Association (AfA)
Airforwarders Association
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Airforwarders Association (AfA)


Airforwarders Association (AfA)

Airforwarders Association (AfA)

Auto and Transport


The Airforwarders Association (AfA) serves as the voice of the airforwarding industry. As an alliance of indirect air carriers, cargo airlines and related businesses operating across the global transportation community. The AfA represents member companies dedicated to moving air cargo through the supply chain. Their members include not only airforwarders, but truckers, airlines, warehouse operators and businesses delivering a range of supporting services including technology, training, compliance, insurance and legal, just to name a few industries.

Their members range from small businesses with fewer than 20 employees to large companies employing more than 1,000 people and business models varying from domestic to worldwide freight forwarding operations. In short, they are the travel agents for freight shipments, moving cargo in the timeliest and most cost efficient manner whether it is carried on aircraft, truck, rail or ship.

A wide variety of goods are shipped via air cargo – from organs for medical transplants to mail to live animals to manufactured goods such as clothing. Increasing, e-Commerce goods are moved by air from the manufacturer direct to the consignee. Airforwarders participate in this rapidly growing sector of the industry as well.

Manufacturers rely heavily on air cargo shipments to ensure timely and secure delivery of goods, which is necessary to remain competitive in the global market.

As security is and always has been the first priority of our industry, airforwarders are experienced professionals who maintain full control over cargo in secured facilities until it is delivered directly to the aircraft for transport.


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Auto and Transport


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Alena Potapova

Development Director
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