Meridian Equity Partners
Meridian Equity Partners
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Meridian Equity Partners


Meridian Equity Partners

Meridian Equity Partners

Financial services


Meridian is an agency only broker dealer. Company operate with zero conflict of interest and act 100% on client's behalf. Meridian operates a full service trading desk centrally located on the NYSE floor. This desk has quickly grown to become one of the largest entities on the Exchange with tens of millions of shares being traded each day. In addition to accessing composite volume through all ECN's, algo's and dark pools, company employ numerous brokers throughout the NYSE floor, giving a larger presence than many of the major banks. This complete and comprehensive coverage allows to personalize each order while taking advantage of being at the point of sale.

Meridian has a broad, diverse and international clientele representing all strategies and market caps. Company utilize a complete suite of algorithmic and dark pool solutions encompassing a wide variety of client order instructions. Meridian's soft dollar capabilities allow clients to achieve their desired research results while maximizing performance. Additionally, their veteran sales traders have the depth of experience and know how to locate hard to find liquidity if so directed.

At the core of Meridian's execution capabilities lies expertise in spread trading-be it Merger Arbitrage, Pairs, Stubs, Rights and Warrants.Their ability and desire to tackle the more difficult, illiquid outright or spread trades coupled with depth of product range, cements their usefulness and trust with our clients. Meridian's secret to success is unique ability to toggle back and forth between human and electronic execution. Having direct access to the point of sale via NYSE floor operation gives a setup and view of the markets that many of peers cannot replicate. Quite simply, Meridian sales traders anticipate in a proactive way, capturing opportunities as they arise.


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In rating
Financial services

Company Persons

Senior Managing Partner
1 place


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