
Qobuz is a French digital music store and streaming service, launched in 2007 by Alexandre Leforestier and Yves Riesel. Qobuz is now owned by Xandrie SA. In June 2023, Qobuz offered over 100 million tracks on its service.

For additional subscription fees, tracks are available at CD-quality and "Hi-Res" quality (24 bits up to 192 kHz). Individual tracks can also be purchased without any DRM restrictions.

Streamed music is available in MP3 at 320 kbit/s, CD-DA quality lossless (16-bit/44.1 kHz) and hi-resolution quality lossless (up to 24-bit/192 kHz) for some tracks. The formats available for individually-purchased songs are WAV, AIFF, ALAC and FLAC for hi-res quality, lossless WMA for CD quality music, and MP3, standard WMA and AAC for lossy quality (at 128 kbit/s or 320 kbit/s).

Qobuz's name comes from the musical instrument kobyz/qobyz.


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