Liquidia Corporation


Liquidia Corporation

Liquidia Corporation



Liquidia Corp operates through it's subsidiaries, Liquidia Technologies, Inc. and RareGen, LLC (RareGen).

The Company, through Liquidia Technologies, Inc., is a late-stage clinical biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of products using it's PRINT technology.

It is focused on developing two product candidates: LIQ861, an inhaled dry powder formulation of treprostinil for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and LIQ865, an injectable, sustained-release formulation of bupivacaine for the management of local post-operative pain for three to five days after a procedure.

RareGen provides commercialization for rare disease pharmaceutical products, such as generic Remodulin (treprostinil) for pulmonary arterial hypertension. Treprostinil can be administered as a continuous infusion through the use of an infusion pump or continuous intravenous infusion through the use of a central venous catheter.


Take place
Take place
In rating

Company Persons

Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Strategy at Liquidia Corporation
1 place
Senior Vice President, Commercial at Liquidia Corporation
2 place
General Counsel of Liquidia Corporation
3 place
Chief Medical Officer of Liquidia Corporation
4 place
Chief Operating Officer at Liquidia Corporation
5 place
Chief Financial Officer of Liquidia Corporation
6 place
Chief Executive Officer of Liquidia Corporation
7 place


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