Stony Brook Medicine


Stony Brook Medicine

Stony Brook Medicine

Verified company


Stony Brook Medicine integrates and elevates all of Stony Brook University’s health-related initiatives: education, research and patient care. It includes five Health Sciences schools — Dental Medicine, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing and Social Welfare — as well as Stony Brook University Hospital, Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital, Stony Brook Children’s Hospital and more than 200 community-based healthcare settings throughout Suffolk County. To learn more, visit

Stony Brook Medicine comprises

  • Renaissance School of Medicine
  • Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine
  • Stony Brook School of Health Professions
  • Stony Brook School of Nursing
  • Stony Brook School of Social Welfare

Stony Brook Medicine also encompasses:

  • Stony Brook University Hospital
  • Stony Brook Children’s Hospital
  • Stony Brook Southampton Hospital
  • Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital
  • Stony Brook Heart Institute
  • Stony Brook Cancer Center
  • Stony Brook Neurosciences Institute
  • Stony Brook Trauma Center
  • Our Outpatient Care Sites


Take place
Take place
In rating

Company Persons

Co-Director of the Cardio-Oncology Program Stony Brook University Heart Institute Heart Failure Cardiologist
1 place


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