Horoscope today For sign Pisces

TODAY 27 July 2024. MOON decreasing, NEW MOON 4 August.

The beginning of the day is the most positive time for Pisces. Today, the wind of change will literally burst into your life, which you will be extremely happy about. The favorable position of Uranus and the Sun speaks volumes about this.

Today in the life of Pisces there will be not only new acquaintances and plans, but also good news. Communication is especially important during this period, so try to gather as many reliable people around you as possible.

You may want to take on too much, but the stars will not argue with you on this. Pay attention to business affairs, after which you can attend great social events or noisy parties. You already have a brilliant role in them.

Business Horoscope

If you are full of new ideas and plans today, then the stars give you the go-ahead: you can boldly dare. Show your talents and the bosses will appreciate you. Today Pisces needs to act spontaneously and without too much thought. Then success will be on your side.

As for finance, here Pisces shouldn't rely on easy mining, avoiding risk is the main task for the day. In the second half, avoid important decisions that come into contact with the business, as well as all kinds of debts and loans.



If Pisces are familiar with the ailments associated with the work of the liver or kidneys, then today there is every chance that they will manifest. Therefore, try to take good care of your health, rest more and not overload these organs. When hanging out with friends or at a party, it is better to stop drinking alcohol.

Today is the best time to carry out cleansing procedures, heal the body, or go to a general rejuvenation session.


Love horoscope

For family Pisces or those who are in a relationship, the stars are strongly advised to take the initiative in a couple and go on experiments. Perhaps they will help refresh your senses.

The day for signs is favorable not only in terms of strengthening relationships, but the development of still nascent feelings. It is possible that this romance will be very hot. Now you are quite ready for romance and passionate sex, and your partner will be able to make love play even more interesting.


Moon calendar

On the twenty-first day, the Moon is in the III phase from the full moon to the IV quarter, decreases. The day endows a person with confidence, decisiveness, courage, pushes forward to carry out reforms, restructuring, to unification. Be honest and fair today, even in small things. Now is the right time to communicate with people, change jobs, travel, sports. All accumulated issues will be resolved.

Today you are capable of self-healing. Quench, swim in ice water. The energy center is the hematopoietic system and the liver. Try cleaning them. Symbols of the day: Flying chariot, Herd of horses, Horse. Stones: obsidian, aventurine, zircon, pyrite.

Moon calendar

Day 21

Today 27 July.
Age of the moon 21.1 Days - decreasing.
Moon at 364,215 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 151,912,243 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 11:14:21, 4 Aug 2024.


Rating Pisces

American professional tennis player
1 Place
Senior United States senator from Oklahoma
2 Place
American professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association (NBA)
3 Place
American rapper
4 Place
American professional basketball player
5 Place
Slovenian professional basketball player
6 Place
American country music singer and songwriter
7 Place
American comedian
8 Place
American college basketball player
9 Place
American football coach
10 Place
Prime minister of Australia
11 Place
Australian actress
12 Place
United States Senate majority leader
13 Place
Chairman and CEO
14 Place
British motorsport designer and engineer
15 Place
American actress and painter
16 Place
American political consultant
17 Place
American actor
18 Place
Russian-American professional basketball coach
19 Place
American actor and singer
20 Place
South Korean actor
21 Place
Indian film critic and journalist
22 Place
Mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey
23 Place
American former professional basketball player
24 Place
American professional golfer
25 Place
American track and field sprinter
26 Place
American football wide receiver
27 Place
American actor and filmmaker
28 Place
Barbadian singer
29 Place
American filmmaker
30 Place


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