Compatibility Capricorn & Libra

Capricorn and Libra


Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship

Compatibility description

Capricorn Libra Love Compatibility

In real life, the relationship between these signs is quite rare. Capricorn and Libra are quite different, so the couple will be doomed to a constant test of strength. The first sign is the ward of the earthly element and the owner of a solid character. The second relates to the element of air, which affects such character traits as creativity and kindness. Capricorn is not afraid of hard work, he weighs everything carefully, calculating and cold-blooded. Libra is constantly tormented by doubts, making any choice in life.

Libra and Capricorn

The ward of the land is distinguished by isolation, independence and is not afraid of the feeling of loneliness. When he acts alone, he is able to achieve greater results than in a team. The opinion of others does not interest him, he is too proud and self-sufficient. Libra is the complete opposite of Capricorn, as they surround themselves with a large number of people and are characterized by sociability. This sign is hard to endure conflicts and criticism, and the desired result is often achieved with the help of flattery and kindness. If something does not work out, then he easily retreats from the battlefield. Capricorn, on the contrary, fights for his own interests to the last. These zodiac signs are very different, but they can complement each other well.

The earthly sign is ruled by the cruel Saturn with a cold masculine energy, and the airy one is ruled by sensual Venus. There is practically nothing in common between these planets, so the compatibility of Capricorn and Libra is far from ideal. They will have to work hard to build a stable relationship. Both signs strive for leadership, but the former achieves its goal by suppressing competitors, and the latter through manipulation. If they can be together, then both will grow spiritually and intellectually in this partnership. For successful interaction, they will have to come to terms with the dissimilarity of each other and be more tolerant of the character of the second half.

Business Compatibility

The business compatibility of these signs is the most successful.

Libra generates interesting ideas, and Capricorn plans how to implement them, taking into account all the subtleties and details of the project.

The partner admires his decisiveness and is even ready to obey for the sake of a common cause. Sometimes the ward of Saturn is able to be harsh in his statements, which can hurt good-natured Libra.

Love compatibility

Capricorn and Libra constantly want to fight for leadership and remake each other. Therefore, astrologers estimate their compatibility in love as low. Initially, the air sign attracts the firmness and strength of the partner. Libra wants someone to take responsibility for them and help in solving life's problems. Therefore, they often make concessions to Capricorn in order to please him. At the same time, the chosen one is very restrained and sometimes cold. He prefers to express his sympathy not with beautiful words, but with actions and expensive presents.

This idyll will not last long, as Capricorn will begin to limit and control Libra. The chosen one with his sociability gives him many reasons for jealousy. A freedom-loving representative of the air element will take such behavior with hostility. Therefore, the compatibility of this pair tends to zero.

Sex compatibility

Sexual compatibility of Capricorn and Libra can hardly be called successful. They have very different temperaments, as well as views on intimate life. The ward of the earth element shows emotional coldness, since in sex he is only interested in physiology. Libra is a romantic sign, so they strive for spiritual intimacy. They try with all their might to give pleasure to the partner, while they are interested in it. If the aerial representative gets tired of the lack of reciprocity in bed, their sexual relationship will end immediately.

Marriage compatibility

Such marriages are rarely able to last a lifetime, since the compatibility of Capricorn and Libra is very low. Such a relationship can only be based on calculation and benefit. Libra can show commercialism towards the ward of the earthly element, since he usually earns quite well. In turn, Capricorn can use a spouse as a source of valuable ideas. Such an alliance can last for a long period, but we are not talking about real feelings here.

For the representative of Saturn, due to excessive stubbornness and pride, it is difficult to accept a freedom-loving chosen one. He believes that Libra is too unnecessary, irresponsible and non-executive. Over the years, the level of understanding of this couple only gets worse. The spouses will begin to demonstrate all their character traits, which will cause constant resentment. Libras are ready to endure inconvenience and adapt to their spouse, but they find it difficult to withstand the pressure of a tough Capricorn.

Friendship compatibility

The friendly compatibility of Capricorn and Libra leaves much to be desired, as they are too different. The first sign is an inveterate workaholic who is doing something useful even in his free time. He is not very sociable, so he has quite a few friends with whom he sees only on special occasions. Libra, on the other hand, is interested in spending time with diverse people and having plenty of fun.

Between these signs, only friendly relations are possible, and even then based on mutual benefit.

Capricorn man and Libra woman

Love compatibility

This relationship can be very romantic, since a Capricorn man next to a Libra woman is able to feel happiness and harmony. The main thing is that the partner does not disappoint him. He can be strict, so not all darlings are able to withstand this emotional burden. This romance can be too exhausting for a Libra woman.

Marriage compatibility

After the wedding, such a couple will do everything to make their life happy. The Libra woman is a good wife, but she lacks thrift. The Capricorn man is a serious and reliable companion, but next to him the spouse feels a little cold. Over the years, they will be able to better understand each other and adjust.

Capricorn Libra Love Compatibility

Sex compatibility

In this sexual tandem, the Capricorn man leads, as he has a bright temperament. His partner is pliable. The intimacy of this couple lacks sensuality, although lovers are able to reach the heights of physical satisfaction. The Libra woman does not always understand her closed partner, as she sees a more extroverted and impulsive person next to her.

Friendship compatibility

This couple's friendship is cool but respectful. None of the signs will impose on each other and call in the middle of the night. This is a fairly calm and even relationship. Over the years, the friendship of a Libra woman and a Capricorn man will become more sincere, but some chill will still remain. A buddy won't let sentimentality take over under any circumstances.

Business Compatibility

This pair can work well together. The Capricorn man will organize the work process, even if he acts as a subordinate. At the same time, the Libra woman will be able to establish an even working relationship with him. This tandem is able to develop the perfect strategy and attract the right people. They act cunningly and almost always achieve the desired result. The main thing is that partners do not use these techniques against each other.

Libra man and Capricorn woman

Love compatibility

Representatives of these signs often pay attention to each other. The Capricorn woman is delighted with the intelligence and gallantry of the gentleman, and the Libra man is crazy about the image of a perfect lady. The romantic period of courtship of this couple can stretch for years, and their love resembles the plot of the film. Zodiac signs are capable of building perfect relationships, but there will always be some chill in them.

Marriage compatibility

The Libra man needs a reliable and faithful partner in life, so it is difficult for him to exist outside the union. The Capricorn woman is driven by the desire to have stable ground under her feet. The ideal solution for both will be marriage. Romance and order reign in their family. Such a couple is so good together that they often do not want to have children.

Capricorn Libra Love Compatibility

Sex compatibility

Sex in such a couple promises to be beautiful and gentle, but somewhat slow and unhurried. Both partners are in no hurry, enjoying every moment of intimacy. The Capricorn woman will take on the planning of intimate pleasures, and the Libra man esthete will give everything a beautiful shell.

Friendship compatibility

The Libra man will understand the Capricorn woman like no other. He is able to support without words, but without penetrating into the soul of a friend. Such a friend is quite gentle and diplomatic, which is lacking in his partner's life. At the same time, the Capricorn woman will be able to give him self-confidence when he begins to doubt the correctness of the choice. He will not press, but will lead you to the correct decision wisely and tactfully.

Business Compatibility

A business union of these signs can bring success. The Capricorn woman seeks to achieve the result at any cost, and the Libra man smoothes the situation. He is a loyal business partner who can find the perfect team. The Capricorn woman will be engaged in strategic planning in this tandem. The partner understands how to achieve what she has in mind and effectively uses human resources.

Rating Libra

American football tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL)
1 Place
2 Place
Prime minister of Israel
3 Place
African professional golfer
4 Place
Dutch-Belgian racing driver
5 Place
President of Russia
6 Place
Canadian-American actor
7 Place
Governor of California
8 Place
American basketball player
9 Place
Attorney general of New York
10 Place
Professional tennis player
11 Place
12 Place
Co-creator of the Glastonbury Festival
13 Place
American former professional American football player
14 Place
Japanese professional tennis player
15 Place
American sports television personality
16 Place
Co-founder of the company Klarna
17 Place
Russian businessman
18 Place
columnist at
19 Place
U.S. representative for Wisconsin's 1st congressional district
20 Place
American model
21 Place
American former soccer player
22 Place
American football quarterback for the Houston Texans of the National Football League (NFL)
23 Place
American actor
24 Place
United States Special Envoy for Northern Ireland
25 Place
Ghanaian-British actress
26 Place
Indian film director
27 Place
American television personality
28 Place
American actor and musician
29 Place
American professional baseball outfielder in the Miami Marlins organization
30 Place

Rating Capricorn

Junior United States senator from Texas
1 Place
Industrialist, media proprietor, and investor
2 Place
Professional Basketball Player
3 Place
American comedian
4 Place
American professional golfer
5 Place
Dominican professional baseballer of Major League Baseball (MLB)
6 Place
American former professional basketball player
7 Place
Film director
8 Place
American attorney
9 Place
Chief executive officer of United Parcel Service (UPS)
10 Place
Political commentator
11 Place
The first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
12 Place
American football wide receiver
13 Place
American television personality
14 Place
German professional tennis player
15 Place
Former chairman of Tata Sons
16 Place
American former professional football player
17 Place
Junior United States senator from Kentucky
18 Place
Golf broadcaster
19 Place
American professional golfer
20 Place
American professional golfer and TV golf analyst
21 Place
American singer
22 Place
American lawyer
23 Place
American environmental lawyer
24 Place
Austrian billionaire motorsport executive
25 Place
Irish musician
26 Place
American television presenter
27 Place
American actress
28 Place
American football quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL)
29 Place
American former professional golfer
30 Place
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Personal horoscope

Sometimes you want to know what the coming day is preparing. Understand who is waiting for our support, and in what area we need help. Fortunately, our readers have such an opportunity. Julie Poe, a numerologist with extensive knowledge, prepares a forecast and generously shares his observations and warnings.
Julie Poe

Leading numerologist, best-selling author
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